CYPSY23, June 26–28, 2018
It is our pleasure to invite you to join us at the 23rd Annual CyberPsychology, CyberTherapy & Social Networking Conference.
CYPSY23 that will take place on June 26 to 28, 2018 at Hotel Hilton Lac-Leamy in Gatineau, Canada. Jointly organized by the Interactive Media Institute in collaboration with the Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO), the Canada research Chair in clinical cyberpsychology and the Virtual Reality Medical Institute, this conference is an international networking and sharing platform for researchers, clinicians, policymakers and funding agents to share and discuss advancements in the growing disciplines of CyberTherapy, CyberPsychology and Social Networking.
CYPSY23 invites presentations in Virtual Reality, Social Networking, Online Behaviour, Games for Health, Augmented and Mixed Reality, Avatars, Shared Virtual Worlds, Video Game Virtual Reality (VGVR), Mobile Health and other emerging applications.
Encouraged topics include, but are not limited to:
- Addiction to technologies
- Advanced interaction training
- Apps (mobile applications for smartphones, etc.)
- Arts and storytelling using technology
- Brain computer interfaces
- Cognitive and/or physical therapy
- Connected objects / Internet of things
- Cross-cultural differences relevant to cyberpsychology
- Cyberbullying
- Cybercrime
- Cybersecurity
- eHealth
- Embodied experiences and / or body ownership
- Engineering issues applied to cyberpsychology
- Games for health and / or serious games
- Gaming and technology (gameplay, technologies, performing arts, law and politics, etc.)
- Human-computer interactions
- Implications of technologies in humanities (archeology, history, law, etc.)
- Neurorehabilitation
- Non-invasive physiological monitoring devices
- Personality and internet use
- Positive technology
- Presence and / or telepresence
- Robotics
- Smart homes and / or home automation (domotics)
- Social applications of technology
- Social implications of Facebook, Twitter, etc.
- Social networking
- Technology for education and / or learning
- Technology for psychotherapy
- Technology for physical and medical health
- Telehealth and telepresence
- Using technology in education and learning
- Using technology in marketting (neuromarketing, AR, etc.)
- Videoconferencing and / or telepsychotherapy
- Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in general
- Virtual reality for the film / movie industry
- Wearable computing
- Cyberpsychology and Addictions (related to substance, games, gambling, sex, etc.)
- Cyberpsychology and ADHD
- Cyberpsychology and Anxiety disorders and phobias (including OCD and PTSD)
- Cyberpsychology and Autistic and related disorders
- Cyberpsychology and Cognitive disorders (dementia, etc.)
- Cyberpsychology and Depression and mood disorders (including bipolar disorders)
- Cyberpsychology and Developmental disorders
- Cyberpsychology and Eating disorders
- Cyberpsychology and Neurological diseases
- Cyberpsychology and Obesity
- Cyberpsychology and Pain (chronic and acute)
- Cyberpsychology and Personality disorders
- Cyberpsychology and Phantom limb
- Cyberpsychology and Schizophrenia, psychotic and / or delusional disorders
- Cyberpsychology and Sleep disorders
- Cyberpsychology and Cancer
- Cyberpsychology and Cardiology
- Cyberpsychology and Other medical, psychological or socio-cultural disorder or problem
Important Dates
CYPSY23: June 26th – 28th, 2018
Gala Dinner:
June 28th, 2018 (limited space)
Abstract Submission for Workshops Deadline:
December 15th, 2017
Poster, Orals & Symposiums Submission Deadline:
January 15th, 2018
Notification of Acceptation/Rejection of Abstract:
February 15th, 2018
Full Paper/Presenter Requirements Due (Faculty Disclosure Form & Presenter Agreement Form, Presenter 2-page CV):
March 31st, 2018
Discontinuation of Hotel Discount:
March 31st, 2018
Early Registration Deadline:
March 1st, 2018
Regular Registration Deadline:
June 15th, 2018
On-site Registration:
June 26th - 28th, 2018
Conference website:
Facebook page: